Write article and get paid
Do you have a blog? Your blog content is not related to violent or adult content? Why don’t you join smorty and get paid for blogging. Smorty is a get paid web site that you can earn money by writing opinion for advertiser with links back to advertisers web site.
Before you earn money, you need to register. After you complete the registration process you can submit your blog to get approval from Smorty team. When your blog approve then you can start making money by selecting opportunities that available for you. Smorty also have a referral program, you will get 5% commission of total payments made to your referred blogger. To get this 5% commission you only need to place image or link to Smorty and when new bloggers sign up to Smorty, writing article and you will get commission for every payment that they receive from Smorty. Start advertise on blogs and earn money every weeks!
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